Famous opera singers and singers

The past century was marked by the rapid development of Soviet opera art. On the stages of theaters, new opera productions appear, which have begun to demand virtuoso vocal parts from performers. During this period, such well-known opera singers and famous performers, such as Chaliapin, Sobinov and Nezhdanova, are already working.

What is the voice and how it begins

Many people have often heard the combination of “posing the voice” in music schools, but not everyone understands exactly what it means. Some people call it a set of exercises, designed to give the voice a certain style of singing, others think that this is its setting for correct singing, according to the requirements of vocal art.

Famous arias from Verdi's operas

Giuseppe Verdi is a master of musical drama. The tragedy is inherent in his operas: they have fatal love or a love triangle, a curse and revenge, moral choice and betrayal, bright feelings and almost indispensable death of one or even several heroes in the final. The composer adhered to the tradition established in the Italian opera - to rely in an operatic action on a singing voice.

Why breathing is so important to a vocalist

A professional teacher will immediately distinguish a novice from an experienced vocalist on the formulation of his breath. The main signs of not delivered breathing are: Impossibility to stretch a long note. The newcomer simply does not have enough air to hold it, so his voice begins to tremble on long notes, falsity appears, the timbre becomes dull, or the sound disappears altogether.

How to learn to sing softly

While listening to world-famous singers, many people are surprised: the performers convey the subtle nuances of the vocal work so subtly that even the quietest words can be easily heard on the last row in the hall. These singers sing into the microphone, which is why they are so heard, some vocal lovers think, but in fact this is not the case, and learning to sing softly is easy and fast if you do some exercises.

The female voice of mezzo-soprano. How to identify it when learning vocal skills

The voice of mezzo-soprano is rarely found in nature, but it has a very beautiful, juicy and velvety sound. To find a singer with such a voice is a great success for the teacher, this voice has wide application in the operatic stage, and in various directions of music. Mezzo-soprano with a beautiful timbre is easier to enter music schools, and later to find work in the opera house, because there are always not enough singers with mezzo-sopranos and not so many as women with high singing voices.

How to increase your voice range?

To have a wide range of working voices every vocalist dreams. But not everyone can achieve a beautiful voice sound on any part of the range by professional methods and try to expand it independently to the detriment of health. To do this correctly, the vocalist must follow certain rules.

New Year's vocalist repertoire

New Year is a time not only for a holiday, but also for concerts for singers, both beginners and experienced, for many years performing on the stage. At this time, not only big concerts are held at all venues in the city, but also events in the music school. The vocalist's New Year repertoire should always be bright and interesting, so that the audience remembers both the number and the performer.

How to learn to sing high notes

High notes can be difficult for beginner vocalists, and more so for those who did not sing in the choir during their childhood. You can learn to sing them correctly at any age. Learning will go faster if in school years the vocalist already had singing experience. Many performers are afraid to take high notes for various reasons, but in fact, with the help of special exercises, you can learn to take them correctly and beautifully.

How to present yourself at the competition - simple tips

Every vocalist dreams of winning a vocal competition or getting into a popular group, especially if he is young and talented. However, even the vocal teacher does not exactly represent how to present himself at the competition, therefore his advice can not always help the performer to take a worthy place or just perform well to pay attention to him.