Troparion and Kondak of the Nativity of Christ - notes of everyday chants

The troparion and kontakion of the Nativity of Christ are church chants, which are often heard for the services in the churches during the whole Christmas celebrations. I prepared the notes of these Christmas carols in their everyday version - they can be downloaded from the links that will be given below.

Troparians and kondaks are small hymns-hymns in which the meaning of the feast is revealed or the remembered saint is glorified. Troparion and Kondak Christmas Nativity, of course, tells of the gospel events that occurred on the night of the birth of the Virgin Mary by the baby, the worship of the shepherds and the journey of the Magi following the Bethlehem star.

The file with notes - Troparion and Kondak Nativity of Christ - it can be opened and printed. If the first link did not work, then download the file from here - Troparion and Kondak Nativity of Christ.pdf

The troparion of the Nativity of Christ is supposed to sing on the 4th voice, begins with the words "Your Christmas, Christ our God." Kontakion of the Nativity of Christ is sung on the 3rd voice, it begins with the words: "The Virgin today is most powerful."

I rummaged through all the "YouTube" and "contact" and did not find a suitable video in order for you to listen to how it should sound - then the chant is a little different (for example, the 4th voice, but the patriarchal chant), it is indecent (dirty). In addition to everyday vocal chants, these chants are performed in the musical decision of various church composers. For example, the following combination was established in practice: the troparion of the holiday of S.A. Degtyarev, and Kondak - D.S. Bortnyansky.

However, I will not leave you without an appointment. there is cool audio Christmas troparion and kondak performed by the vocal quartet of the Raifa Mother of God Monastery (we have one in Kazan).

[audio: //]

Troparians and kondaks are church chants, while the people in the days when they celebrate the feast of the Nativity of Christ are made to sing carols. Sheet music and lyrics are also available for download. Here, for example, only some of them: "Good evening, Tobi," "The night is quiet over Palestine," "Angels in the sky."

In conclusion, I would like to please you with one more discovery: while I was looking for recordings of the tropari, I came across a video in which the choir of the Novokuznetsk Orthodox Theological School simply gorgeous christmas canon motifs.

Watch the video: Nativity Tropar and Kondak - Christmas Day - January 7, 2011 (March 2025).

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