Opera "Norma": content, video, interesting facts

V. Bellini opera "Norma"

The opera by V. Bellini "Norma" was written based on the tragedy of Louis Alexander Somaet, a French writer. It stands out against the background of many works of this genre with its extraordinary beauty and virtuoso soprano arias. Even myself Bellini He considered it a masterpiece and said that if a shipwreck suddenly happened, then the only work that just needs to be saved is "Norm".

A summary of the opera Bellini "Norma" and many interesting facts about this work read on our page.




Normsopranohigh priestess in love with roman
Orovezbassthe high priest of the temple of the druids and the father of Norma
ClotildesopranoNorma's girlfriend raising her children in a secret shelter
PolliontenorRoman in love with Norma and Adalgiz
Adalgizasopranothe maiden of the temple, rival Norma

Summary of the opera "Norma"

The action of the opera unfolds in 50 g BC. Norma is a girl who is the high priestess of the temple of the druids. She broke the vow and fell in love with Proconsul Pollion. Moreover, she even secretly bore him children. But as it sometimes happens, Pollion's passion faded away, and he turned his attention to another girl — young Adalzhizu, who answered him in return. The young man called his beloved to live with him to Rome, and she decided first of all to ask the high priestess for advice. Upon learning of this, Norma became very angry and decided to take revenge on him. In a moment of despair, she was even ready to kill her children, because she hated their father, but she changed her mind, because she was stopped by Adalzhiza, who promised to persuade Pollione to stay with her. The Roman refused to do this, and Norma sent an army to revolt against his army.

Suddenly, Pollion is found in the temple of the Druids and is sentenced to him for the desecration of a sacred place. Norma tries to save her lover and invites him to make a choice in her favor, forgetting Adalzhizu. Pollion remains adamant and rejects the priestess. Then Norma gathers warriors, priests, and reports that one of the priestesses has broken her vow and needs to be set on fire. Without fear, Norma rises to the stake, and after her, her beloved Pollio rushes, admiring the strength of her spirit. So, loving hearts are together again.

Duration of performance
I ActAct II
90 min.65 min.

A photo:

Interesting Facts

  • One of the most popular and virtuoso arias in the world is Cavatina Norma "Casta diva", in which the priestess addresses the moon in prayer.
  • The pearl of the opera is the aria of Casta Diva, Bellini reworked eight times, each time dissatisfied with the result.
  • Norma's first performer, Judith Pasta, did not agree to sing the famous cavatina for a long time, as she was sure that she would not cope with it.
  • The most famous performer of Norma is Maria Callas, she even identified herself with the main character. By the way, she performed this opera on stage only 89 times.

  • In 1956, a film about V. Bellini was shot in Italy, which was called "Casta diva".
  • An interesting story related to the performer Judith Pasta. Her villa, in which such geniuses of art as ..V. Bellini, D. Rossini, Stendal and others, is now a hotel with the name Casta diva Resort. Its main feature is to convey the style of the XIX century. It is noteworthy that all the villas in this large hotel were named after the main characters from various operas: Dorabella ("So do all"), Violetta ("Traviata"), Amina (" Somnambula "), Norma (" Norma "), Gilda ("Rigoletto").
  • It is curious that one very tasty dish, pasta alla Norma, is connected with the name of the opera. According to the existing version, the famous comedian Nino Martollo, having tried a very tasty dish, said the phrase "This is Norma"! He deliberately compared the wonderful taste of pasta and this brilliant work of his compatriot.

Popular arias and numbers

March from Action I - listen

Aria Norma "Casta diva" - listen

Duo Norms and Adalzhizy "Mira, o Norma" - to listen

The story of the creation of the opera "Norma"

In 1830 Vincenzo Bellini signed a lucrative contract under which he was obliged to compose two pieces for the La Scala Theater. One of them was "Norma". Choosing the plot, he stopped at the tragedy of Louis Alexander Somaet. After reading this work for the first time, it caused a storm of delight in him, and the composer began to create. The premiere of the opera was scheduled for December 26, 1831. Bellini looked forward to this moment with anticipation and demanded maximum commitment from the performers. He assigned them additional runs to polish every beat and every movement.

Unfortunately, rehearsals at the theater began only 20 days before the premiere, so the production was "damp." Besides, on the eve of Bellini demanded that the dress rehearsal also take place in the morning, before the premiere. Naturally, all performers were exhausted and could not show all the beauty of the work. The audience met the opera is not very enthusiastic. Bellini himself called it a "solemn fiasco." However, the very next day everything changed dramatically, and after the second production the opera was awesome success.

Libretto author Felice Romani is a famous Italian poet and playwright. He created more than one hundred operatic librettos, both on famous literary and original works.


The Russian public was able to get acquainted with the opera "Norma" thanks to a German troupe in 1835. In the performance of domestic singers, it was shown in 1837 in St. Petersburg.

One of the most long-awaited premieres of "Norma" is considered to be its modern production in 2005 in its "New Opera". Moreover, this performance was bought and brought from the State Opera of Stuttgart. The main feature of this production was the postponement of all events at another time. Directed by Yossi Wheeler, Sergio Morabito decided that this Norm should certainly pass in the XX century, and the temple of the Druids was replaced by a Catholic church. However, critics did not appreciate this work and called the play controversial.

Another controversial and vibrant modern production took place at the Salzburg Festival in 2013, thanks to the joint work of film directors Moshe Leiser and Patrice Sorrier. All events were transferred to Italy in the times of Mussolini, and the action taking place on the stage sometimes does not fit into the text of the opera. The performer of the party Norma - Cecilia Bartoli amazed the audience with her vocal and original interpretation.

In September 2014, a very original production of the opera Norma, directed by Kevin Newbury, took place at the San Francisco Opera. The audience was delighted with the chic scenery on stage. Druids in their temple erected a huge Trojan horse, which was supposed to help them attack the Romans. The ending of the performance was generally quite clever. Here the director made a very fine connection with another composer who admired Norma, R. Wagner. When the main character confessed her sins, she and Pollio entered the prepared Trojan horse and set the torch on fire. In an instant, the heroes are surrounded by a ring of fire - a clear hint of Wagner's opera. Only Brunhilda protects the fire, and Norma and her lover are absorbed in the flame.

The production of "Norma" directed by Hugo de An, which left a bright mark in the history of this performance, was held at the Sofia Opera and Ballet Theater. This version differs from others in its musicality and unforgettable play of light. This is no accident, because Hugo de Ana himself is responsible for costumes, scenery and even lighting.

In addition to the theatrical productions, "Norma" was successfully filmed.

The first work in this genre was carried out in 1974 by director P. Jourdan, where the incomparable M. Caballe played the role of Norma.

One of the most popular versions is the work of director Boris Hayrapetyan. It is noteworthy that he had previously worked with this work and staged a performance at the Yerevan Theater in 2003, later it was successfully staged at the New Stage of the Bolshoi Theater. It is curious that his opera film is the first such work, filmed in Russia for a twenty-year period. Hasmik Papyan (Metropolitan Opera) and Gegham Grigoryan (Mariinsky Theater) were chosen as soloists. As the director himself notes, the first difficulty that had to be faced was that the soloists, out of habit, were looking for the conductor through the eyes of the parties. However, he managed to cope with this. Filming took place in an ancient temple in Armenia, which was erected by the Romans in honor of the conquest, which gave a special atmosphere.

Of all the creative heritage of V. Bellini, the opera “Norma” has been brilliantly set around the world for more than 180 years and is recognized by critics as a true masterpiece. The sublime style of the tragedy, the passion of the heroes and their self-sacrifice, the struggle of the senses - all this can not leave indifferent any listener. In addition, it is all seasoned with classic bel canto patterns. We offer you to appreciate the masterpiece of classical music and the best work of the Italian composer V. Bellini, looking at the opera "Norma" in an elegant production and in excellent quality.

Watch the video: Luciano Pavarotti Recital - Nessun Dorma. Metropolitan OperaNew York ᴴᴰ (March 2025).

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