The best ballets of the world: brilliant music, brilliant choreography ...

The best ballets of the world: Swan Lake by Tchaikovsky

Say what you like, but you can not ignore the famous masterpiece of the Russian composer in four acts, thanks to which the German legend of the beautiful swan girl immortalized in the eyes of art lovers. In the story, the prince, in love with the swan queen, betrays her, but even the realization of a mistake does not save him or his lover from the raging elements.

The image of the main character - Odette - as if complements the gallery of female symbols created by the composer during his life. It is noteworthy that the author of the ballet plot is still unknown, and the names of the librettists have never appeared on any poster. For the first time the ballet was presented in 1877 on the stage of the Bolshoi Theater, but the first version was considered unsuccessful. The most famous production is Petipa-Ivanova, which became the benchmark for all subsequent performances.

The best ballets of the world: The Nutcracker by Tchaikovsky

The Nutcracker ballet for children, popular on the eve of the New Year, was first presented to the public in 1892 on the stage of the famous Mariinsky Theater. At the core of his story lies the Hoffmann fairy tale "The Nutcracker and the Mouse King". The struggle of generations, the confrontation between good and evil, hiding behind the mask of wisdom - the deep philosophical meaning of the tale is clothed in bright musical images, understandable to the youngest viewers.

The action takes place in winter, on Christmas Eve, when all desires can come true - and this gives an additional charm to the magical story. In this tale, everything is possible: cherished wishes will come true, the masks of hypocrisy will disappear, and injustice will be surely defeated.

The best ballets of the world: "Giselle" Adana

"Love, which is stronger than death" - perhaps the most accurate description of the famous ballet in four acts "Giselle". The story of a girl dying of hot love, who gave her heart to a noble youth engaged to another bride, is so vividly conveyed to the graceful pa of slender Vilis - brides who died before the wedding.

The ballet was a great success from the first production in 1841, and for 18 years, 150 theatrical performances of the work of the famous French composer were given on the stage of the Paris Opera. This story so won the hearts of art lovers that in honor of the main character of the story was even named asteroid discovered at the end of the XIX century. And today our contemporaries have already taken care of the preservation of one of the greatest gems of the classical work in the film versions of the classical production.

The best ballets of the world: Don Quixote by Minkus

The era of the great knights is long gone, but this does not prevent modern young ladies from dreaming about meeting Don Quixote of the 21st century. The ballet accurately conveys all the details of the folklore of the inhabitants of Spain; and many masters tried to put the plot of the noble chivalry in the modern interpretation, but it is the classical production that has been decorating the Russian stage for one hundred and thirty years.

Choreographer Marius Petip was able to embody the full flavor of Spanish culture through the use of elements of national dances, and some gestures and poses directly indicate the place where the plot unfolds. History has not lost its significance even today: Don Quixote and in the XXI century skillfully inspired with warm hearts young people who are capable of desperate acts in the name of goodness and justice.

The best ballets of the world: "Romeo and Juliet" by Prokofiev

The immortal story of two loving hearts, joined only after death forever, is embodied on the scene thanks to the music of Prokofiev. The staging took place shortly before the Second World War, and we must pay tribute to the dedicated craftsmen who stood up against the orders that were in use at the time and reigned in the creative sphere of the Stalinist country: the composer retained the traditional tragic end of the plot.

After the first tremendous success, which honored the performance of the Stalin Prize, there were many versions, but literally in 2008, the traditional staging of 1935 took place in New York with an audience unknown to this moment with a happy ending for a famous story.

Watch the video: Britain's Got Talent 2017 Goa Lin & Liu Xin Classical Dance with a Twist Full Audition S11E02 (March 2025).

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