Where to find the strength to continue studying music?

Dear friend! More than once in your life a moment will come when you want to give up everything and retreat. One day this will happen with the desire to continue studying music. What can be done in this situation?

Why does initial enthusiasm disappear?

There was a time when you looked forward to the opportunity to pick up the instrument and flew to the lessons like wings, rejoicing in your success. And suddenly something changed, something that once was so easy, became a routine, and the need to allocate time for additional classes was an unpleasant duty that I wanted to get rid of.

Remember that you are not alone in your feelings. Even great musicians went through it. And most importantly - be honest with yourself. Answer for yourself: is there a problem in music? Or in the teacher? In most cases, this is not the case. The fact is that you want to play more with friends and have fun, and do not want to work. And music lessons significantly curtail your free time.

It is possible to conquer apathy!

In this situation, you can get help from at least three sources: do something yourself, ask your parents for help and talk to the teacher.

If after analyzing your position, you realize that, in fact, your main enemy is boredom, deal with him with the help of imagination! Tired of hitting the keys? Turn them into a complex spacecraft control panel. And let every mistake be equivalent to a collision with a small asteroid. Or set yourself imaginary levels, like in your favorite game. The flight of your imagination is not limited here.

And one more little tip. Do not delay classes to the last. Experiment: try to do the necessary things first (lessons, music lessons) and then reward yourself with watching an interesting movie or a long-awaited game. Surely, you are no longer delighted with this idea. However, it really works! You will notice that with such planning you will have more time for personal affairs.

Make parents allies

You should not fight with parents in the struggle for free time. Better play with them on the same team! Frankly share with them your feelings. Perhaps they will help you to plan your day more intelligently, or they will temporarily free you from some household duties. Even just a reminder from their side of your goals can serve you well. This will help you to keep yourself within the established limits.

Change the look at the teacher

Instead of treating your music teacher as a bore, constantly demanding something from you, look at him as an experienced coach who can lead you to victory. And this is not just your imagination, but the real state of things.

What does he lead you to? In the first place - to the victory over himself. You learn to be strong and not to retreat in front of obstacles. Already, you are achieving what has not yet been experienced by most of your peers. You learn to be the master of your life. And it is worth it to slightly press their own laziness.

The author - Diana Boldyreva

Watch the video: PUSH YOURSELF - New Motivational Video for Success & Studying (March 2025).

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