Ancient music from the inside

Spanish Guitar and Music

Music of France

music of Italy

Ancient music of England

Nowadays, concerts devoted to early music are often held. At first glance it may seem that all this music is the same. Well, what is special and original in the old days could composers compose, having in the arsenal the simplest musical instruments, sharpened goose feathers and ink? But they could. Works that sound at such evenings can be very different, which only their names are worth: motets, ballads, sonatas, galliards, chanson (yes, he is), rondo, madrigal, controto grosso ... , the works of iconic figures of the Renaissance, for example, Palestriny, or the Baroque concerts of Vivaldi or Corelli that we know from childhood. And they are performed by fancy and unfamiliar to us musical instruments.

Watch the video: Positive Energy Cleanse 432Hz Music. Enhance Self Love. Healing Tone. Ancient Frequency Music (March 2025).

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