A. Khachaturian "Masquerade": history, video, content, interesting facts

A. Khachaturian "Masquerade"

Aram Ilyich Khachaturian is an outstanding Soviet composer whose music knows no boundaries and finds response in any heart. His compositions are extraordinarily beautiful and differ in the depth of the content; in addition, they are majestic in their perfection, such as the music for the ballet "Spartak". In the rich creative heritage of the composer there are many works that delight listeners around the world, among them the magnificent "Concerto for Violin and Orchestra", the famous "Sword Dance" from the ballet "Gayane" and, undoubtedly, the enchanting "Waltz" from the suite composed by the composer based on the music he wrote for the drama M.Yu. Lermontov "Masquerade".

History of creation

In 1941 exactly one hundred years were executed from the day of the untimely death of the great Russian poet, prose writer and playwright Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov. Moscow Theater Eugene Vakhtangov to this tragic anniversary decided to resume the production of his immortal drama "Masquerade". Ruben Nikolayevich Simonov, who had recently taken the post of chief director, wanted to change the musical material that had previously been played in the play, and since he was well acquainted with Khachaturian’s work, the director commissioned the composition of music to him. Aram Ilyich, who at that time had already shown himself to be a brilliant theatrical composer, who knew how to perfectly feel and live in stage productions, accepted this proposal with pleasure. Firstly, he was very fond of the Vakhtangov theater, and secondly, he admired the ingenious drama. Khachaturian saw this performance in 1938 and was a little surprised why Alexander Glazunov, who composed the music for the production of Vsevolod Meyerhold, did not write the waltz himself, and the main character spoke so excitedly about him. In the play was used the famous "Waltz-fantasy" M.I. Glinka.

Khachaturian began work on the order of the Vakhtangov theater without delay and worked enthusiastically, although he still experienced minor difficulties, namely, writing a waltz. Aram Ilyich wanted to create something new, worthy. The necessary melody came to the composer's mind unexpectedly, during a session, when he posed for the artist who painted his portrait. This is the theme in the famous waltz became the second. Later the music was composed very quickly and on June 21, 1941 it sounded at the premiere of the drama Masquerade. And then a terrible war began, which predetermined the fate of the performance. However, in 1943 the composer re-compiled the most interesting numbers from music to drama for concert performance and formed them into a suite.

Interesting Facts

  • The composer dedicated his wonderful waltz to M. Lermontov's drama "Masquerade" to Alla Alexandrovna Kazan - a wonderful actress who played the role of Nina Arbenina.
  • Unfortunately, the life of the play theater. E. Vakhtangov on the drama of M. Lermontov "Masquerade, which premiered on the very eve of World War II, was very short. During the raid of enemy aircraft, Honored Artist of Russia Vasily Kuza died in the raid of the enemy aviation, performing the role of Prince Zvezdich In addition, the theater building was severely damaged during this shelling.

  • The artist, who painted the portrait of Aram Ilyich Khachaturian, during a posing session for which the composer “heard” one of the themes of his famous waltz, was called Evgenia Vladimirovna Pasternak. She was the first wife of an outstanding poet and author of the famous novel “Doctor Zhivago” Pasternak Boris Leonidovich.
  • Mikhail Lermontov created such a profound work as the drama "Masquerade" being a very young man, at that time he was only 21 years old. The play immediately fell under the censorship ban, and although the playwright had to redo it three times, however, he never saw it in print or on the Masquerade stage. Censorship forbade drama for the reason that it considered inadmissible critical remarks against Engelhardt costume balls, which were visited by members of the royal family. In addition, the opinion was expressed that the drama described the case as actually occurred in St. Petersburg.
  • In 1982, a student of Aram Khachaturian, Armenian composer Edgar Hovhannisyan, created a score for the ballet "Masquerade". It was based on music for drama, as well as fragments from other works by an outstanding maestro. The choreographic performance was first staged at the Opera and Ballet Theater in Odessa. The premiere show took place in the spring of the same 1982.


Aram Khachaturian composed his suite of the five most prominent numbers played in the musical design of the play.

The cycle begins waltz. This work is considered to be one of the most spectacular works of the composer. His music is not so much a dance as a pictorial: it reflects very vividly all the drama of Lermontov’s play. Waltz music is mysteriously beautiful, but at the same time it feels something demonic. A passionately passionate, soaring melodic line of the first phrases of the piece is filled with alarming forebodings of a tragic outcome. The next theme is very contrasted in comparison with the first one: it is very touching and inspired, as it characterizes the romantic image of the main character. The middle part of the waltz, which includes only forty bars, draws a picture of the ball with its solemnly pompous melody and full chord accompaniment. It even slips rhythmic patterns characteristic of the Mazurka and Polonaise. And then the reprise: the rebellious waltz returns.

Waltz (listen)

The second room of the suite is Nocturne. This is a beautiful lyrical piece with an expressive melody performed by the violin. The dreamy mute sound of a stringed instrument, decorated with clarinet voices, is performed against the background of the gentlest accompaniment. All this gives the work a special insight and sincerity. In the performance, this music is associated with the image of the main character: she accompanies Nina Arbenina in all lyrical scenes.

Nocturne (listen)

The third play of the suite is spectacular and elegant. Mazurka. Temperamental ballroom dance with a sharp, bizarre rhythmic pattern that creates a playful character. The rich sound of the orchestra gives a joyful mood, in which the music harmoniously fits the cheerful atmosphere of a merry celebration. Only in the middle episode of the mazurka does the orchestration become more transparent and acquire a lyrical tone.

Mazurka (listen)

Romance - the fourth, the smallest piece of the cycle: only 54 bars. In character, she is very close to the first two numbers, as she also personifies the main character of the drama Nina Arbenina. An elegant expressive melodic line is saturated and freely sung by the orchestra's violin group and then reaches the lyrical climax, not only of this number, but of the entire suite.

Romance (listen)

Gallop - the final, the last part of the suite again returns the listener to the atmosphere of a colorful holiday. This lively and quick dance draws a pompous collection of people indifferent to everything that happens. Constantly jumping intonations of woodwind instruments in the frame of the pulsating rhythm of the accompaniment reflect the frivolity and carelessness of the idle crowd. Suddenly everything stops and the utter silence breaks the clarinet with its small cadence. However, soon the flutes re-enter with their galloping motifs, and the canter again sounds with the same enthusiasm.

Gallop (listen)

Suite Aram Khachaturian, composed of music to the drama M. Yu. Lermontov "Masquerade" almost eighty years ago, and today is very relevant. She has not lost her novelty, and therefore still continues to successfully play at the best concert venues performed by the world's leading orchestral groups.

Watch the video: Khachaturian - Masquerade Suite - Waltz (March 2025).

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