Music of France

Music of France

Ancient music of France is a special layer of world musical culture. Music has always played a special role in this country - it was an integral part of family life, street parties, and with the adoption of Christianity and religious rites. From the rich musical life of ancient France, we have selected for you some interesting facts.

"Blatnaya" song comes from the Middle Ages

Surely you guessed it, what song will be discussed? About the one that is considered today one of the most popular on the stage is Chanson. Already by the sound of the word it is clear that it takes its origin in French. However, in the meanings that we know today, it has never been used there. The word chanson in Russian means "song." And in the Middle Ages, this word was called folk and professional polyphonic songs, narrating mainly about happiness and love. And the main "chanson" in the ancient music of France is considered the 14th century composer Guillaume de Macho.

Its among strangers, a stranger among its

A landmark figure in the history of French music, a brilliant violinist, a sensitive teacher, a virtuoso violinist, a magnificent dancer, the creator, and no less, a national French opera ... And all this is Jean Baptiste Lully, the greatest French composer. All would be nothing if it were not for its Italian origin.

At the age of 14, the boy moved to France, and by the age of 30 he became the "favorite" of King Louis XIV. Lully had to constantly pay for Italian roots: the king's court constantly reproached him and “substituted” him in every way.

But his death is considered one of the most ridiculous among people of art. And the reason for this was too emotional conducting. At that time, the well-known conductor's baton was not yet used to us; instead, long canes were used to beat the beat. Conducting his composition, Lully hit his leg with the sharp tip of his cane. This insignificant, at first glance, wound, led to blood infection and developed into gangrene. A few days after the concert, the composer died.

Sun King Artist

The most famous monarch of France, known worldwide as the "Sun King" - Louis XIV, defined the style of European fashion for the next century. And here is the music, you ask? But just in it all.

Louis XIV incredibly loved art. He played magnificently many musical instruments, had a keen ear for music, and according to his contemporaries, he caught a barely audible falsehood in the orchestra. But the king's main passion was ballet. The king practiced this art for several hours every day and regularly danced on stage in classical ballet performances.

These hobbies of the royal individuals have changed the ideals of male beauty. From now on, the men of dreams or simply handsome ones began to consider not strong and courageous warriors and heroes, but gallant educated men with a magnificent posture and subtle facial features knowing the notes and ballet movements. Every self-respecting nobleman was now obliged to learn dance and music. And of course, the bright royal costumes, bows and colorful scarves did not go unnoticed. Together with the basics of art, men of the era were forced to gird themselves with colored scarves, wear ribbons on suits and knit bows on shoes.

The ancient French music played the greatest role not only in the musical history of its country, but also in many European countries. And the most significant: she presented France with national opera and ballet, which in the future romantic century united in the grandiose genre of the great French opera, thanks to which Paris became the real musical empire.

Watch the video: HAPPY French Morning - Romantic French Cafe Accordion Music - Music to Wake UP (March 2025).

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