Jonas Blue: biography, best songs, interesting facts

Jonas Blue

This young and promising musician cannot be called a hit-maker. Possessing unlimited talent, he, like a hurricane wind, burst onto the stage and with lightning speed climbed to the very top of the creative Olympus. His name is Jonas Blue. An ingenious DJ, an enterprising producer, and, most importantly, a skillful creator of excellent infectious musical compositions, which instantly become popular, occupying the highest lines of the charts.

short biography

Guy James Robin, who is better known in the world under the pseudonym Jonas Blue, was born on August 2, 1989. Born in the south-east of England, in one of the towns of Essex, he and his family moved to London as a child. From an early age, parents began to notice a large amount of music in a baby. James's extraordinary abilities helped him effortlessly master various musical instruments. Having started to study at the age of seven, by the age of eight he could already play the piano, flute and saxophone. The music was so fascinating to the boy that at the age of 10, when his peers were fond of computers or walking in the street, he constantly sat down at a musical instrument.

After a while, much older, the young man began working as a DJ in nightclubs. It was then that he came up with a cherished desire: to create music, similar to the one that sounded from the discs he scrolled. The dream came true, but not immediately: only in 26 years, James released his first single. It was a remix of the song "Fast Car", which in 1988 was composed and recorded by the talented American singer Tracy Chapman.

While working on the debut disc, Robin began to seriously think about the pseudonym, because he believed that Guy James Robin sounds not so harmoniously for the author of such music. The name Jonas Blue came to mind, which the novice musician considered most appropriate. The success of the single, recorded in the creative collaboration with the English singer Sophie Elton (Dakota), whose voice embellished the song so much that right after the release, she secured her place in the top 17 international charts. For Jonas, as he now began to call himself, it was a success that exceeded all his expectations. A miracle happened, which blew up a career at that time to an unknown musician. The popularity of the single and the name of its author grew with cosmic speed. In the British charts, the remix took second place and lasted for almost two months. Then followed the first places in the media player "iTunes" and the Internet service "Spotify", and on YouTube it was viewed over 310 million times. The composition in the new interpretation was highly praised in Germany, Sweden, Australia, Italy, New Zealand and in some countries was even certified as platinum, since the number of copies produced exceeded one million. This was the beginning of this recognition.

The following year, while on the wave of success, Jonas recorded two more singles: "Perfect Strangers" (June 3, 2016) and "By Your Side" (October 28, 2016). The first song made such a sensation that it instantly hit the top of the international charts, and in England, Australia and New Zealand it gained platinum status. The popularity of the musician soared that the viewing of his tracks and videos on the Internet reached a billion views. In some ways, he overshadowed such fashionable singers as Zane Malik and ollie meers. 2017 for Jonas Blue, too, did not pass without a trace. In May, along with Australian pop vocalist William Singe, he released the highly acclaimed song "Mama", and also got into the list of applicants for the MTV Europe Music Awards for his version of "Fast Car". In 2018, Jonas Bleu, together with American singer Joe Jonas, recorded a song called "I See Love", which decorated the famous animated film "Monsters on Vacation 3: The Sea Calls".

Interesting Facts

  • When, in 2017, Jonas Blue spoke at the BRIT Award with a speech of thanks, everyone was surprised by his oratory. It was obvious that the musician did not do any preparations, but very talented verbally improvised on the stage. When he was asked how he developed such a gift in himself? Jonas replied that he was helped in this by weekly appearances in front of a thousand people.
  • Jonas Bleu keeps his privacy under seven locks, so there is no information about his personal life either in social networks or in the press. A stunning sensation was the appearance of a musician at the MTV Europe Music Awards awards ceremony with supermodel Melinda London. Of course, rumors that young people are linked by close relationships immediately began to rumor.
  • The composition of Jonas Blue "I See Love", so attractively sounded in the animated film "Monsters on Vacation 3: The Sea Calls" that the creators of the cartoon "Royal Corgi", which viewers will see on the screens only in 2019, also wanted to use the song in their animated full length movie.
  • The song "Fast Car" by American singer Tracy Chapman, which formed the basis of the remix and, accordingly, the debut single, Jonas Blue, was not chosen by chance. This song is very loved mom musician. At first, Jonas wanted to use it in his DJ sets, but the pace of the original did not suit the musician at all. It was then that the idea arose to create a song in a new interpretation, which later on the charts took higher positions than its initial version.
  • Jonas Blue, in an interview, admitted that he was inspired to work and inspired by the British rock band Pink Floyd, the early Britney Spears, and the music of the 90s performed by the American pop group Backstreet Boys and the American fight. band "'N Sync".

Best songs

"Fast car". The composition, recorded in 2015, is a remix of the eponymous song by the American singer Tracy Chapman. She immediately took high positions in the music charts of many countries, and in Italy, Great Britain, New Zealand and Australia received platinum status.

"Fast Car" (listen)

"Mama"This song, as the singer himself commented, about that period in a person's life when he is absolutely carefree. He has no problems and all he cares about is having fun with friends.

"Mama" (listen)

"I see love"This song, recorded by Jonas Blue along with American singer and actor Joe Jonas, was released in high-quality digital format on June 29, 2018. The composition was best-known as the soundtrack of the cartoon Monsters on Vacation 3: Sea Calls."

"I see love" (listen)

Currently, Jonas Blue is engaged in active creative activities. His DJ domination is thriving, pulling more and more fans into its networks. With his explosive mixed tracks, as well as original compositions, the musician is gaining more and more popularity, as evidenced by the increasing number of views of his clips.

Watch the video: Jonas Blue Interview - 3 Surprising Facts You Need To Know (March 2025).

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