Easter Poems - Notes of Easter Chants

At the end of the matins of the Easter service, Easter Poems are sung - notes of the everyday melody of these verses on the fifth voice can be downloaded directly from the page where you are now.

The Easter poems consist of five troparias (verse), which are preceded by separate verses from psalms (the first verse is “May God rise again ...”, the last is “Glory and now”). There are only four poems, and verse is five. Easter poems end with a triple singing of troparion "Christ is Risen ...".

Spreading notes in three keys - choose either what is more convenient to sing to your choir, or what seems best in quality:

  1. Easter poems - notes in B flat major for male chorus, with faithful chants and good quality graphics. Open here - Easter Styles in B-flat major or download from Yandex disk - //yadi.sk/d/EPP6llgt4O6Eq
  2. Easter poems - notes in G major for a mixed chorus with correct chanting with a slightly faded quality of graphics (you can read absolutely anything without straining your eyes, but you can’t put it on a common music stand - it will not be visible from afar). Open the file right here - Easter Poems in G major or download from Yandex disk - //yadi.sk/d/rmDj3rM84O6MA
  3. Easter poems - notes in F major for mixed choir - the quality is excellent, but the chants are a bit simplified. You can open on the same page - Easter Passion in F major - use it or download from Yandex disk - //yadi.sk/d/vcHHGOeA4O6_e

The format of the provided files is pdf, they are opened using Adobe Reader (usually there is almost on every computer). If necessary, you can download this useful program from its official website.

Here's a good video for you, where Easter poems are sung

In addition to the verses, you can also download Easter tropars for various tunes from our website - everyday, court, Bell and others. There are Easter Troparion in different languages.

Watch the video: I Saw the Cross of Jesus Lyric Video. Happy Day! Simple Easter Kids (March 2025).

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